Grange Area Trust is managed by a small group of unpaid trustees and volunteers who live locally and are passionate about keeping Widmer Fields accessible for all local residents to enjoy.
Colin Stevens (Chairman of the Trustees) David Field
(Chair of Land Management Committee) Hugh McCarthy
(Trustee) Bob Pangborn
(Trustee) Colin Wingfield
(Trustee) Peter Dwelly
(Trustee) Brian Dugan
(Trustee) Malcolm Bristow
(Trustee) Joanna Davinson
(Honorary Secretary) Catherine Weatherall (Honorary Secretary) |
Contact: [email protected] A "recent" arrival to Widmer End in 2009 having taken early retirement has been a regular out in the fields getting hands on in maintenance activities with the other volunteers and trustees. Has has lived in Hazlemere for over 30 years. Retired from his post as Senior Consultant with an international firm of Consulting Engineers David has over 35 years experience in design and project management of major water, wastewater and solid waste projects both in the UK and worldwide, as well as acting as an expert witness in litigation hearings. Commissioned service with REME (TA). Keen on DIY projects. Supporter since days of H7, attended Village Green enquiry at WE village hall. He and his family have been regular users of Widmer Fields for dog walking and recreational purposes.
Resident in Widmer End since 1962 Trustee of the Bucks Historic Buildings Trust. Retired chartered electrical engineer and company director. Member of Chiltern Conservation Board, Chiltern Society and NEP Board. Served as a Hughenden parish councillor for 30 years, Buckinghamshire County Councillor for Hazlemere. Worked tirelessly to preserve open green space around Widmer End and Hazlemere for the benefit of the local population and wildlife habitats. Walks Widmer Fields twice daily with his dog. Ex-Parochial church councillor. Family man with grandchildren who also live locally.
Resident in Hazlemere since the creation of the Cedar Park estate. Continues to enjoy Widmer Fields walking his dogs when not actively mowing, hedging, tree pruning, path making or other odd jobs on the fields themselves to keep them easy to use for the community.
Previously, company director for local business for thirty years.
Resident and supporter of the Save the Fields campaign for 21 years. Has experience in management, HR, logistics and customer service. A family man with three children who all attended local schools. He is a regular user of the fields and has undertaken tree planting, bird and bat box placements. He is also a member of the volunteer work force and of the Land Management Committee. A keen conservationist, his particular interests are song birds, hedgehogs and owls. Peter has always lived locally and he and his family settled in Widmer End in 2003. He has two talents which are so helpful to GAT. He is an I.T. Technical Consultant and has offered this vital service to GAT. In addition, when initially volunteering, he spent time assisting the bee keeper, Ron White, and when Ron suffered ill health Peter took over this role and maintains his hives on Widmer Fields.
Has lived in Hazlemere for over thirty years with his wife Alison, who has been a Guider for 28 years, and their three children who all attended local schools. Trained as a telephone engineer with the GPO and later joined the Ministry of Aviation Air Traffic Control at Heathrow Airport as an Air Traffic Control Assistant. Worked for ten years in the top of the Control Tower and then became an aircrew Briefing Officer. He retired in 2006 after thirty-seven years with ATC National Air Traffic Services. Has been walking his dogs around the area ever since moving to Hazlemere and considers himself extremely lucky to have such a wonderful area on his door step Really enjoys working on Widmer Fields keeping everything under control.
Has lived in the area for decades and has a passion for motors and machinery which helps with the maintenance of the equipment used on the fields. Also graciously gave the space needed for the maintenance shed to be erected on his land to allow easy access for the volunteers to get to and from the fields with the necessary equipment.
Contact: [email protected]
Joanna has lived in the area since 2009 and retired in 2023. She volunteered to take up the honorary secretary role from long serving, Lyn Marchant, and does a fine job keeping the trustees and volunteers organised. Contact: [email protected]
Catherine is a fully qualified accountant and supports the trustees by keeping the finances in order and wrangling the bank. She also is on the committee of the Widmer End Residents Association and editor of the Widmer End News. |